The waste we manage
Recyberica offers comprehensive WEEE treatment including collection, temporary storage and recycling.
Here’s how it works
The waste we manage.
Temperature exchange equipment
FR1 Temperature exchange equipment
11*. Appliances with CFC, HCFC, HC, NH3 (Refrigerators, temporary storage only)
- 12*. Air conditioner appliances
- 13*. Devices with oil in circuits or capacitors
Monitors and
FR2 Monitors and displays
- 21*. CRT Monitors and displays
- 22*. Monitors and displays: No CRT, no LED
- 23. LED Monitors and displays
FR3 Lamps
- 31*. Discharge lamps, non-LED and fluorescent.
32. LED lamps
FR4 Large appliances (with an external size greater than 50 cm)
- 41*. Large appliances with hazardous components
- 42. Large NON-HAZARDOUS appliances
FR5 Small appliances (No external dimension greater than 50 cm)
- 51*. Small appliances with hazardous components
- 52. Small NON-HAZARDOUS appliances
IT systems and
FR6 Small IT and telecommunication equipment (no external dimension greater than 50 cm)
- 61*. Small IT and telecommunications devices with hazardous components
- 62. Small NON-HAZARDOUS IT and telecommunications devices
Solar Panels
FR7 Large solar panels (with an outer dimension greater than 50 cm)
- 71. Non-hazardous silicon photovoltaic panels
- 72. Other non-hazardous photovoltaic panels
- 73*. Hazardous photovoltaic panels