The waste we manage

Recyberica offers comprehensive WEEE treatment including collection, temporary storage and recycling.

Here’s how it works
The waste we manage.

Temperature exchange equipment

FR1 Temperature exchange equipment

  • 11*. Appliances with CFC, HCFC, HC, NH3 (Refrigerators, temporary storage only)

  • 12*. Air conditioner appliances
  • 13*. Devices with oil in circuits or capacitors

Monitors and

FR2 Monitors and displays

  • 21*. CRT Monitors and displays
  • 22*. Monitors and displays: No CRT, no LED
  • 23. LED Monitors and displays


FR3 Lamps

  • 31*. Discharge lamps, non-LED and fluorescent.
  • 32. LED lamps


FR4 Large appliances (with an external size greater than 50 cm)

  • 41*. Large appliances with hazardous components
  • 42. Large NON-HAZARDOUS appliances


FR5 Small appliances (No external dimension greater than 50 cm)

  • 51*. Small appliances with hazardous components
  • 52. Small NON-HAZARDOUS appliances

IT systems and

FR6 Small IT and telecommunication equipment (no external dimension greater than 50 cm)

  • 61*. Small IT and telecommunications devices with hazardous components
  • 62. Small NON-HAZARDOUS IT and telecommunications devices

Solar Panels

FR7 Large solar panels (with an outer dimension greater than 50 cm)

  • 71. Non-hazardous silicon photovoltaic panels
  • 72. Other non-hazardous photovoltaic panels
  • 73*. Hazardous photovoltaic panels


CPR (Center for Preparation for Reuse)